Master User/System Administrator. Typically, the homeowner or a parent. This person can perform all system functions and use all system features. The labels "System Administrator" and "Master User" can be used interchangeably.
There can be only one System Administrator/Master User, and that person is designated during account setup or during setup of a new Location, in coordination with your dealer.
Even if you ARE the System Administrator/Master User, you can only assign the user types Admin, Standard and Panel Only to others. If the role of System Administrator/Master User must be transferred to someone else, contact your security professional.
Admin: These additional Administrators can create, delete and temporarily disable users. They can also initiate User Sync operations and create, delete or edit Scenes.
Standard users can log into their account from the website or mobile apps to control selected features and functions, based on the Locations and services to which they have access. However, Standard users cannot create, delete or modify other users’ permissions, nor can they create/delete/edit or operate Scenes. (By the way, you may hear your security professional refer to Standard users as "normal" or "regular" users.)
Panel Only users cannot log into Remote Services and can only operate the system control panel at a given Location. However, Panel Only user accounts can be modified from Remote Services by Administrators.