You can filter the activity displayed to see only the types of events you’re interested in. For instance, you can choose to list only events involving the system at a given premises (alarms, sensor troubles, logins/logouts) or only synchronization events (those occasions when your system and the Remote Service compare and reconcile their records). You can also choose to list only Favorite events (those you've marked with a ).
Near the upper-right corner of the page, find these controls:
The   button displays ‘admin logs’, a history of logins and logouts. (When admin logs are displayed, this button toggles to ‘show live events’, returning you to the original view of all events).
The button displays only events that have been marked as Favorites
The button displays the filtering options that are shown below at left. 
At right, “Activity Types” has been selected. You can choose Security System (alarms, sensor troubles, etc.), Cameras, Devices, Built-In Camera (only selected panels), VX Series, or Synchronization Events (your panel and Remote Services update each other) or All
When you have selected the type(s) of events you want to see, click OK
Filtering by date and time presents options for seeing entire days or choosing a time/date range.  If you switch off the All Day option,  you can select a precise time range in hours and minutes:
If you've selected multiple criteria like Activity type and a time/date range, your search results may look something like this:
You can delete individual filters without starting over by clicking
At the end of a long list of results, you can click BACK TO TOP