Saved scenes can be modified in the apps or on the website.
Note that scenes on the website are displayed somewhat differently from the apps.
On the website, scenes are grouped by the type of trigger that starts them, rather than being listed in strictly alphanumeric order.
- Schedules lists scenes with the trigger-type During this time
- Trigger lists scenes with the trigger-type Triggered by some device
- Manual lists scenes with the trigger-type Manually activate
To Run, Pause, Resume or Delete a scene:
Each of these actions is discussed after the illustrations below.
- Use each group's checkbox to select all the scenes in that group for Run, Pause, Resume or Delete.
Running, Pausing, Resuming (and Deleting) Scenes:
- Click Run Scene to start any scene. This will start any scene irrespective of which kind of trigger it has.
- Click Pause Scene to put any scheduled or triggered scene on hold. Note that Manual scenes cannot be Paused (or Resumed)
- Click Resume Scene to remove the hold from any scheduled or triggered scene
- Click Delete Scene to remove any scene from the system completely. Make sure you want to do this before clicking; there is no "Are you sure you want to do this?" message when you delete a scene this way.
To modify a scene:
(Editing options include a Delete command)
- Click on the name of the scene in the list (not its checkbox)
- The options at lower right appear:
Editing a scene
- This opens the same series of steps used to create scenes, but you don't have to start over. Your existing settings appear on each screen in the process; just click Next to keep settings you don't want to change until you get to the one you do want to change.
- Note that changing the type of trigger (for example, from During this time to Manually activate) will reset all of your settings in that scene to their defaults.
Deleting a scene:
Make sure of what you're doing before clicking the button. When you do, a confirmation message will appear. Click YES.
- IMPORTANT: Even if you're just testing a scene, pressing the Run button is the real thing. Lights will turn on or off, thermostats will go up or down, doors will lock or unlock and scenes do not reset themselves automatically.You can create another scene to reset hardware and settings after a given scene runs, but again, things do return to their previous state after a scene runs. See the FAQ called After a Scene runs, how do I change things back?
- The list of Scenes shown at the beginning of this FAQ may initially appear in a "collapsed" view:
- As above, scenes on the website are grouped by the type of trigger that starts them. Within these categories, they're listed alphabetically. Entries beginning with numbers follow those listed alphabetically.